49ersFit Rules

Know Your Physical Abilities & Limitations.
You are responsible for exercising within the scope of your abilities and knowing your limitations. We recommend spotting when using any free weights. Consult with a physician for appropriate exercise prescription and safety precautions. Our Personal Trainers can assist you in developing a personalized exercise program.

Clean Up After Yourself.
Wipe down equipment after use and return weights and other gear to their proper places.

Use Equipment Properly.
Follow the instructions for each machine or piece of equipment. Don’t use machines or weights for exercises they’re not designed for, as this can be unsafe and cause damage. If you’re unsure how to use something, ask a staff member for help. You are responsible for checking that machines are in the off position and/or set for your strength and ability level before beginning exercise. Do not leave running machines unattended.

Respect Time Limits & Personal Space.
Be mindful of others waiting to use equipment. Be efficient with your workouts, and limit your time on machines if they’re in high demand. Give others space while they are working out, and avoid hovering or intruding on their area.

Wear Appropriate Attire.
Dress in suitable athletic clothes and non-marking, clean footwear. Shoes must be worn at all times.

Use a Towel.
Use a towel on benches and other equipment to help keep them clean and dry.

No Bags on the Fitness Floor.
Please store your bags, coats, and personal items in the designated areas, such as our lockers and cubbies.

Follow the Noise Guidelines.
Keep noise to a minimum. This includes not dropping weights loudly or talking loudly on your phone. Please do not use foul language.

No Food or Drinks (except water).
We do not allow food or drinks other than water on the gym floor to keep the area clean and free from spills.

Practice Good Hygiene.
Shower regularly and maintain good personal hygiene to avoid unpleasant odors and maintain a pleasant environment for everyone.

Be Mindful of Equipment & Maintenance.
Report any broken or malfunctioning equipment to the gym staff immediately. Others may inadvertently leave weights, dumbbells and other items on the floor. Please watch your step.

Respect Others' Workouts.
Avoid interrupting or distracting people who are focused on their exercises.

Report Injuries.
You are responsible for reporting all injuries and all observed hazards to a staff member.

Follow Staff Instructions.
Adhere to any additional guidelines or instructions given by gym staff and all posted signs.

Failure to follow these rules, use good judgment, or exercise responsibly may result in injury and the loss of membership privileges.